Why I Like Rust

Kristin Davidson

What Is Rust?

  • Systems Programming Language (Even OSes!)
  • Guaranteed Memory Safety
  • Threads Without Data Races
  • Minimal Runtime (No GC!)
  • Efficient C Bindings

What Does It Look Like?

fn main() {
	let greetings = ["Hello", "Hola", "Bonjour"];

	for (num, greeting) in greetings.iter().enumerate() {
		print!("{} : ", greeting);
		match num {
			0 => println!("I'm in English!"),
			1 => println!("I'm in Spanish!"),
			2 => println!("I'm in French!"),
			_ => {},


Not Your Typical Enum

// Typical C Enum
typedef enum {
	RED,	// = 0
	BLUE,	// = 1
	GREEN	// = 2
} color;

color background = BLUE;

You Can Use Them The Same Way

// Basic Rust Enum
enum Color {

let background: Color = Color::Blue;

But They Can Also Contain Other Data!

struct Ipv4Addr { /* IPv4 data */ }
struct Ipv6Addr { /* IPv6 data */ }

enum IpAddr {
	V4(Ipv4Addr), // IpAddr::V4 with Ipv4Addr instance
	V6(Ipv6Addr), // IpAddr::V6 with Ipv6Addr instance

// Bind IpAddr::V4 with an associated IPv4 ( to ip4
let ip4 = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1));
let ip4_2 = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(10, 10, 10, 10));

// Bind IpAddr::V6 with an associated IPv6 (::1) to ip6
let ip6 = IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));

They're Used Extensively In the Language

From Representing "null"...

let my_value = Option::Some(1);
let my_nothing = Option::None;

To Error Handling.

enum Result<T, E> {
	Ok(T), // Ok contains the generic type T
	Err(E), // Err contains the generic type E

// Inside a function:
if fail {
	return Result::Err("this could be a struct too!");
return Result::Ok(42);

Pattern Matching

Super-powered If Blocks


if my_num == 1 {
} else if my_num == 2 {
} else {

Becomes This.

match my_num {
	1 => println!("one"),
	2 => println!("two"),
	_ => println!("WAT?!"),

They Can Be Used For Assignments

let num_str = match my_num {
	1 => "one",
	2 => "two",
	3 => "three",
	4 | 5 => "four or five",
	_ => "anything else",

They Help With Safety

let num_str = match my_num {
	1 => "one",
	2 => "two",
	3 => "three",
	4 | 5 => "four or five",
	// No handler for _, meaning "all others"

They Also Help With Error Handling

// IpAddr::from_str accepts a string and returns a
// Result<IpAddr, AddrParseError> enum value

match IpAddr::from_str("not an ip") {
	Result::Ok(ip) => println!("Got an IP! It's {}", ip),
	Result::Err(_) => println!("Not an IP :("),

Ranges Too! Does It Ever End?!

match my_num {
	n @ 1 ... 3 | n @ 6 ... 8 => println!("{}, win!", n),
	_ => println!("lose :("),

Nope! Guards As Well!

let x = 4;
let y = false;
let z: u8 = rand::random();

// Prints "no" even though x is 4 because y is false
match x {
	3 if z > 5 => println!("maybe"),
	4 | 5 if y => println!("yes"),
	_ => println!("no"),



Everything's Immutable!

let my_num = 12;

my_num = 23;

A Variable Needs To "Opt-In" To Mutability

// Declare my_num as mutable with mut
let mut my_num = 23;

my_num = 42;

Memory Safety

How Rust Guarantees Safety

  • Ownership
  • Borrowing
  • Lifetimes


// v1 "owns" the Vec instance
let mut v1 = Vec::new(); // New Vec(tor)

// Ownership of v1's Vec moved to v2
let mut v2 = v1;

// Compile-time checking causes error


// v1 "owns" the Vec instance
let mut v1 = Vec::new();

	// v2 "borrows" a mutable reference to v1
	let v2 = &mut v1;
	// v2 and its borrow fall out of scope

// v1 has full ownership back


// <'a> declares a lifetime named 'a that lives AT LEAST as
// long as struct Foo lives.
struct Foo<'a> {

	// &'a says the i32 being referenced by x must live
	// AT LEAST as long as struct Foo
	x: &'a i32,


Ownership, Borrowing and Lifetimes Are All Checked At Compile Time!

(The Infamous "Borrow Checker")



Manages Multiple Rust Toolchains

$ rustup show
installed toolchains

installed targets for active toolchain

active toolchain
stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
rustc 1.20.0 (f3d6973f4 2017-08-27)


Tool For Common Actions

$ cargo new --bin rust_example
$ cargo build
$ cargo test

Also Handles Dependencies

$ cargo search tokio
	Updating registry `https://github.com/rust-lang/...
tokio (0.0.0)          A fast, async, IO framework
tokio-imap (0.3.0)     Tokio-based IMAP protocol (client...

Call Rust From Other Languages

// No name mangling and make my_function callable from C
pub extern fn my_function() {

Configure Project To Build "dylib"

name = "foo"
# Tell Cargo/Rust to build libfoo.so, foo.dll or libfoo.dylib
# depending on the platform
crate-type = ["dylib"]


"The Book"


API Documentation


Compiler Errors


Mozilla Is A Guiding Force

Large IRC Community

  • irc.mozilla.org
  • #rust-beginners
  • #rust

Efforts Toward Diversity

Team Listens To Community Feedback

  • Yearly "State of Rust" Survey
  • GitHub Issues
  • IRC Interactions
  • Active On Twitter


Who can disagree with such a great name for users?

Ferris the Crab


  • @aphistic
  • https://github.com/aphistic